The hard drive on a Macbook is the main storage unit for all data. Sometimes it may make a clicking noise. This is almost always an indication of a problem with the hard drive. The clicking noise is an indication of a physical problem on the hard drive itself. It is also a symptom thathard drive has gone.
The hard drive on a Macbook is the main storage unit for all data. Sometimes it may make a clicking noise. This is almost always an indication of a problem with the hard drive. The clicking noise is an indication of a physical problem on the hard drive itself. It is also a symptom that the hard drive may fail sometime soon. Backing up all information on the hard drive as quickly as possible is very important at this time because when the it fails then all data may be irretrievable.
A Macbook hard drive consists of a spinning disk and a device that reads the data from the disk. The clicking noise is usually generated by a physical part not working correctly when the disk is spinning. There are many different components that could over time wear out or loosen which will cause noises such as a clicking sound. When the hard drive does make any unusual sounds that is an indication that a technician will need to further diagnose the issue and repair it.
During this time when the hard drive is making a clicking noise it is best to backup all important files. Important files can be stored on any form of external media such as blank CD/DVDs, external USB drive or a device such as an Apple Time Capsule. Many applications for backing up the Macbook hard drive are also available. One of them is called “Time Machine” and is included on all Macbooks using Mac OSX 10.5 or later. Time Machine is an excellent utility that will automatically backup all data from a Macbook onto an external hard drive or an Apple Time Capsule.
When backing up important files it is very important to do so as quickly as possible when the hard drive is making a clicking noise. It is possible that the problem may escalate and eventually cause the hard drive to fail. The amount of time it will take for this to happen can vary by a lot. Once a hard drive does fail, recovering any important files will be a much more difficult task and will require specialized equipment. It is very important to backup all important files and to have a technician diagnose the problem as quickly as possible.