Many people waited for Steve Jobs to announce the latest edition of the iPhone at Apple’s World Wide Developer’s Conference in 2010. Featuring the latest operating system, and a new display, 1.7 million people had purchased the new iPhone in the first three days that it was available. Despite featuring new hardware, and a new […]
Many people waited for Steve Jobs to announce the latest edition of the iPhone at Apple’s World Wide Developer’s Conference in 2010. Featuring the latest operating system, and a new display, 1.7 million people had purchased the new iPhone in the first three days that it was available. Despite featuring new hardware, and a new chat program that used the two available camera’s on the new iPhone, it was still plagued with problems about having a lackluster signal. Many people complained about the Apple iPhone 4 signal problems.
The lower left corner of the iPhone 4 is sensitive to human skin, so much that the service may drop if the phone is held on that side. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, responded by telling people to avoid holding their phone in a way that causes this to happen. He says that all phones have sensitive owners, and that iPhone 4 owners should not hold their phone in the bottom left corner. After more than enough confrontation Job’s provided the following statement:
“Gripping any phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance, with certain places being worse than others depending on the placement of the antennas. This is a fact of life for every wireless phone. If you ever experience this on your iPhone 4, avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases.”
As of July 2, 2010 there have been a group of people looking to sue Apple for what they feel is negligence on Apple’s part. The group feels as though Apple knew about the iPhone 4 signal problems before it was released. On the same day, Apple announced that they had discovered the source of the issue to lead to a drop in service and that they would be releasing a software update to fix the mistake. In the meantime Apple has released a case that prevents users from making contact with the bottom left corner of the phone. A reported alternative to this is to place a small strip of duct tape over the left side.
Although the iPhone 4 is suffering from connection problems, it is the most advanced iPhone to date. With an all new operating system, and many hardware upgrades, it provides users with a smart phone that can help them accomplish anything.